
This Heartbreaking Story Shows the Reality of World War II

In the video below, Navy Corpsman Harry “Robben” Ledeker shares his World War II story. From his memories of Pearl Harbor, his service on Guadalcanal, and the tragic experiences he can’t forget, This hero has a lot to say, and we should all be listening.

As a young man, Harry went directly from high school to the battlefield at the age of 18. In his time during the war, he experienced victories, losses, and tragedies. The most impactful moment, however, involved a familiar face from home and a tragic event. Watch the powerful video below.

YouTube/Memoirs of WWII

As heartbreaking as this story is, it is an important reflection of the reality of World War II. We feel that it is important to support all who sacrificed during WW2 and Korea. That’s why we encourage Congress to pass the bill we call The Greatest Generation Benefits Act. Learn more here. To make sure you get our latest updates, follow us on Facebook and Twitter.