What The End of The Korean War Really Means

It might sound odd to think of the Korean War ending in 2021 rather than the 1950s. However, the war was not officially over in 1953 when the fighting stopped. Some people may be surprised to know that the end of The Korean War is something that has been discussed for decades.
Furthermore, recent news added a new chapter to the history books as The U.S and South Korea drafted a declaration to officially end the war. In 1953 fighting ended with an armistice agreement between China, North Korea, and the U.N. Command intended to bring an end to hostilities.
While the battlefields have been clear for quite some time, hostilities between North Korea and the US and our allies have remained an issue. This is essentially why the war ended without officially ending.
So what does the end of The Korean War really mean? South Korean President Moon Jae-in said the formal declaration is “not an ultimate goal” but a possible step to generate “significant dialogue momentum” with North Korea. Read more about this important step here.
Those who served in the Korean War along with the rest of the greatest generation deserve our greatest appreciation and respect. That is why we support a bill we call The Greatest Generation Benefits Act. Sign our petition to Congress here.