An 82-year-Old Navy Vet was Working at Walmart When a TikTok Fundraiser Changed His Life

If you happened to find yourself in the right Mayland Walmart, you may have seen Butch Marion. Butch is 82 years old and worked at his local Walmart until his life had an unexpected change.
Looking at Mr. Marion, in his Walmart vest, one might have thought he was just an employee with excellent customer service. His full story is much more interesting.
Before donning the blue vest, he wore a very different uniform. Before handling customer service at his local store, he provided a completely different kind of service.
Yes, Butch Marion served his country in the U.S. Navy. Prior to his military service, Butch had been in the workforce since age 11. After his time with the Navy, he continued to work.
While his work ethic is admirable, it’s sad to see an elderly veteran who should be traveling and spending time with loved ones having to spend 8-hour days on his feet working to get by.
Enter Social Media star Rory McCarty AKA @bug_boys on TikTok. McCarthy shared a video of the 82-year-old on TikToK and people from around the world agreed that this man had more than earned his retirement.
After a successful GoFundMe, Marion was awarded over $150,000 and was able to retire thanks to the kind hearts of strangers. Read more and watch the touching videos here.
We believe that older Americans deserve the opportunity to enjoy the retirement they earned. That is why we support a bill we call The Greatest Generation Benefits Act. Learn more and sign our petition here.