What is The Greatest Generation Benefits Act and How Does it Help Older Americans?

The Greatest Generation Benefits Act is an important piece of legislation that would change everything for many older Americans. This is a much-needed change that has to come soon. The sad truth is that many elderly Americans do not have enough to live on, and we do not think this is acceptable. By passing this act, we could ensure that every retired American has the opportunity to live comfortably.
What is The Greatest Generation Benefits Act?
The problem many Americans face is that Social Security benefits do not go far enough. While the COLA for 2022 is much higher than last year, it is not a real solution to inflation. Under this proposed legislation, seniors 82 and over would receive an additional $85 per month as well as an increase of 4 percent every year after. This change would replace the outdated system currently in place and allow retirees to get what they have earned.
How Social Security Reform Will Bring Needed Change
Social Security benefits have been unacceptably low for years. This is certainly nothing new, and COLA cannot keep up with out-of-control inflation. If Congress passes this act, seniors would see an increase that’s more than three times the COLA from last year. It is extremely important that these Americans get what they earned and what they deserve in retirement.
We owe so much to the great men and women who gave so much during World War II and Korea. This is why we’re calling on Congress to pass a bill we call The Greatest Generation Benefits Act. Learn how this would impact the lives of so many great Americans here.
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