
Retirement Home Staffing Shortages Threaten Older Americans

Retirement home staffing shortages
Via Pixabay

Times are tough right now. It seems like everywhere you go there is an issue with low staff. Restaurants, grocery stores, and other businesses are struggling to serve their customers with little help. Few, however, have been impacted as much as long-term care facilities. Retirement home staffing shortages are a serious problem.

These facilities took a big hit during the peak of the pandemic and, sadly, never fully recovered. According to NPR, nursing homes and other long-term care facilities lost record numbers of both residents and staff to COVID-19 — representing about a quarter of all COVID deaths in the U.S. That is not the sort of thing that facilities can quickly recover from.

What these centers are left with is a small number of employees carrying the burden, while many others face burnout and health risks that push them out the door. It is increasingly difficult to hire people for these roles as well, further adding to the staffing crisis. Hopefully, things will change for the better, but for right now, Retirement Home Staffing Shortages present a real threat to older Americans.

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