New Greatest Generation Surveys Page Launched

We are committed to ensuring that Americans from the era of WWII and Korea get what they have earned. That is why we strongly support the passage of the bill we call The Greatest Generation Benefits Act. To accomplish this, we know that knowledge is key. We are proud to introduce the new Greatest Generation surveys page. Here, you will find surveys conducted by The Greatest Generation, a program of The Citizen’s Assembly.
The goal of these surveys is to illustrate public opinion on this important issue. The available survey data shows that a significant majority of Americans believe that Social Security reform is necessary. While the numbers clearly show that Social Security needs to change, we still need Congress to take action. To urge this action, we started a petition, and now our new surveys page. The petition will be presented to Congress, and the survey results are available now to both members of Congress and the public. We encourage you to take a look and see what others are saying.
We are constantly updating and finding new ways to spread the word about this important cause. You can help by simply following us on Facebook and Twitter and sharing this information with your friends and family. Thanks for your support!