The Greatest Generation in the Era of The Korean War

The 1950s were a unique time in American culture. It was a time of transition and change, but the familiar threat of world war marked the early part of the decade. Even though Americans were ready to move on to a time of peace after the Second World War, the Korean War felt like it could be the start of World War Three.
It is possible, however, that had Americans not stood up to the North Korean threat, a much bigger global conflict could have erupted. Fortunately, brave men and women fought and sacrificed for the greater good.
Those who served in the Korean War as well as the Americans who maintained the home front were members of the greatest generation. These Americans did so much and deserve our respect.
In the 1950s, Americans were embracing new technology, new inventions, and an era of prosperity after living through the great depression and World War II. Still, when the threat of spreading communism threatened freedom around the world, Americans took a stand.
We must not forget those who looked evil in the face when it would have been easier to look the other way. That is why we must remember the greatest generation.
We believe that one of the best ways to give back is to support a bill we call The Greatest Generation Benefits Act. This legislation would change the lives of the great older Americans who are still with us. Please sign our petition and let Congress know that we support those who gave the most.