
Korean War Veteran Uses Surprise Gift to Keep Helping Others

Korean War Veteran Luther Dappen received something very unexpected from an equally unexpected source. As reported by KELO News, the South Dakota Resident was surprised to receive a package from South Korea 70 years after his service. The large box held a very special donation and a letter of gratitude to Luther and all of the other Veterans who had served during the war.

2020 was a challenging time for the world as Covid-19 hit. The virus is especially concerning for older Americans like many of our Korean and World War 2 Vets. When Luther opened the box from South Korea, the donation of 2500 face masks was a welcome surprise for a community in need. The donation from the South Korean government was a gift of appreciation for the service of American Service members.

Luther spared no time in paying the gift forward. He donated masks to veterans with the Korean War Association, local law enforcement, and area nursing homes. The 90-year-old veteran’s actions show that even 70 years later, he is still a hero. This story is an inspiration to us all and a reminder of the good we can do in the world.

Via Youtube (KELOLAND News)

The Greatest Generation loves sharing stories like this because we appreciate and celebrate all of our honorable service members. We are working to improve the lives of our World War II and Korean War Veteran population. Unfortunately, many of our heroes from this generation are struggling today. We are encouraging Congress to pass legislation that will increase Social Security Benefits for seniors over the age of 82. Learn more and sign our petition here. Stay up to date by following us on Facebook and Twitter.