How Long Do Covid Vaccines Last? How Effective Are They?

Now that covid vaccines are well underway, we have a lot of reason to be hopeful. Some questions remain, however. Many people, especially seniors and others with increased risk factors are asking how long these vaccines offer protection. Furthermore, with new variants of the virus emerging, it is unclear how effective the current Covid vaccines are against them.
New tests are seeking answers to these important questions. Researchers at the University of Oxford are taking steps to determine the long-term protection from these Covid Vaccines. Through blood tests and exhaustive research, these studies will determine how long antibodies remain active and how they perform against new varieties of Covid-19. Check out the research here.
Covid-19 is still very dangerous, and it is important to stay informed. We are staying up to date on the latest information and will keep you updated. Follow The Greatest Generation on Twitter and Like us on Facebook to get all of our updates when they go live.