Generations (Part 3) — Remembering the Revolutionary 1960s

Welcome to Part 3 of our Generations series! In part 1, we traveled back to the 1940s for a look at World War II-era America. In part 2, we stopped off in the 1950s. Today, we look back at the revolutionary events of the 1960s.
Vietnam Tested America’s Patience with War
The conflict in Vietnam was challenging in new ways. Not only was it a different kind of war, but the way Americans responded to it was very different. While most Americans still supported our troops, the increasingly unpopular war led to the mistreatment of returning Vietnam vets. The change in attitude was in part a direct result of a society that was tired of war.
The 1960s Peace Movement was a Cultural Shift
After World War II and Korea, Americans were ready for peace. The 1960s peace movement may not have offered a real solution to global conflict, but its anti-war sentiment was a real revolution at the time. As protestors gather in the streets throughout the U.S., a counterculture movement emerged which created quite a shock to the American system.
Civil Rights Came to the Forefront
The 1960s gave a voice to those who had been silenced and turned a light on equality. A growing feminist movement demanded equal rights for women while the Civil Rights Act of 1964 took major steps in combating racial injustice. This decade saw heroes like Dr. Martin Luther King inspire a nation as hundreds of thousands marched and gathered in support of a new era of freedom for all.
Tragedy Helped to Define the Future.
While the 1960s were a time of hope, they were also a time of sorrow. President Kennedy’s assassination in 1963 shook our country to its core disrupting a decade eying a hopeful future. The 1963 March on Washington and MLK’s “I Have a Dream” speech were important to our nation’s growth. Dr. King’s tragic assassination in 1968, however, dealt a serious blow. These moments remain with us today.
With all the good and bad that defined the 1960s, we must acknowledge the work and sacrifice of those who lived through this important decade. Help us support those who were instrumental in creating positive change by telling Congress to pass The Greatest Generation Benefits Act. Check out our petition below.