
What We Learned from the Korean War

Korean War Memorial
Via Pixabay

The Korean War was a different kind of war. In the history books, it is often overshadowed by World War II and Vietnam, but it was an extremely important moment that left the world forever changed.

We Learned That Americans Were Still Ready to Stand Up and Fight  

We were still weary from World War II. We didn’t want another war, but war came regardless. When Communism threatened freedom around the world, brave Americans did not hesitate to enter the fight.

We Learned How to Win a Different Kind of War

While it’s often called the forgotten war, the Korean War was a real threat and a serious challenge for our service members. Many who served faced deadly weather conditions like nothing they had experienced as well as a brutal enemy. 

We Found a Forever Ally

To this very day, South Korea remains grateful for the Americans who preserved their freedom. In fact, South Korea issues medals to Americans who served during the Korean War. Check out the award and how to claim it here.

We Learned That Democracy Will Live On

One of the most important things to take away from the Koren Conflict is that when Freedom is threatened, people will come together and fight for it. Those who fought for freedom around the globe deserve our undying respect.

We believe that a bill we call The Greatest Generation Benefits Act is one of the best ways to give back to those who gave so much. Learn more here, and please share our petition on Facebook and Twitter.