Women’s History Month is a Perfect Time to Remember the Contributions of Women from The Greatest Generation

March is Women’s History Month. It’s important to remember the contributions of all the women who have worked and sacrificed to help make this country what it is. Of course individuals should be respected for their actions without consideration of race or gender. However, some people have historically been denied the recognition they deserved because of these things.
Women have been a vital part of American war efforts dating all the way back to the American Revolution. Most commonly, women served as nurses rather than in combat roles. Without their life-saving work, many more Americans would have lost their lives. As time went on, women began to take on more roles within the U.S Military.
In World War II, changing times and the necessity of fighting a global conflict ushered in a new era in which women would serve in a wider range of positions ranging from clerical officers to truck drivers and pilots. Although there were still significant limitations on how women were assigned, their service was crucial and, although they did not serve directly in combat, 432 women lost their lives in uniform according to The National World War II Museum.
In 1948, we also saw the first woman to join the Air Force, Esther Blake, who became an inspiration to many. Moving into The Korean War, women took on even more responsibility playing essential roles in determining the outcome of the war. And it wasn’t only in the war zones that women contributed during WW2 and Korea.
While so many men went off to fight in WW2, women kept things running on the home front. It’s hard to understand how significant this was. Without women taking over in the factories and everywhere else, the American economy could have collapsed. Ultimately, women of the greatest generation gave so much at home and abroad and must be remembered.
We are working to give back to the great Americans who gave so much during World War II and Korea. That is why we urge Congress to pass The Greatest Generation Benefits Act. Learn more about this bill here, and follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date with our work.