U.S. War Vets Deserve Better!

In times of war, our focus shifts to the battlefields in foreign lands and the young men and women we send to fight. In times of relative peace, however, our lives seem to go on as normal. We go shopping, dine out, and enjoy our homes and our families—all with little thought of those who have sacrificed to allow us these opportunities.
Of course, life is to be lived and we should not stop enjoying the things around us. However, we must also be cautious to not push those who fought for us to the backs of our minds. We must not forget our heroes. Unfortunately, many members of the greatest generation do, in fact, seem to be forgotten in their retirement years.
Many Americans who gave so much and sacrificed during World War II and Korea now struggle to get by in retirement. Our greatest generation heroes should not be living in poverty. This is why we support legislation we call The Gretest Generation Benefits Act. This legislation would turn everything around for many American seniors. Learn more and sign our petition here. Stay up to date with this and more by following us on Twitter and Facebook.