‘Christmas of Swing’ Theatre Production Celebrates WW II Veterans Through the Music of The Andrews Sisters and Real Letters from the War
The History Theatre in St. Paul Minnisota has a unique way of reliving and honoring the experiences of those who served in WW II. The The “Christmas of Swing” uses real letters from wartime to tell the stories of those who served. In addition to the real-life history on display through letters, the production brings an important musical act back to the stage.
The Andrews Sisters were not only a popular musical act, but some of the strongest supporters of the troops and the war effort. Entertaining at USO shows around the world, their music was vital to morale. Director Ron Peluso was inspired by his own father’s experience in the war to tell the Andrews Sisters story along with that of the troops who experienced WW2 firsthand.
The one-of-a-kind production shows the Andrews Sisters preparing to entertain the troops on Christmas Eve 1944. While The sisters’ music adds fun to the night, letters from the battlefield offer a sobering reminder of the realities of war. Christmas of Swing has been going strong for several years and continues to entertain and inform. Learn more about the production here, and check out the video below from a previous year’s show.
Those who served during World War II deserve all the respect they can get. That, in part, is why we so strongly support The Greatest Generation Benefits Act. This important legislation would give so much back to those who gave the most. Learn more here.