WW2 Reenactment Honors Veteran Just Before his 100th Birthday

Jim “Pee Wee” Martin is a WW2 veteran whose unit was depicted in HBO’s Band of Brothers. Recently, a very special WW2 Reenactment paid tribute to his heroics. Martin was part of the 101st Airborne Division and first saw battle on D-Day.
His unit fought the Germans amongst the hedgerows of France. As a skilled paratrooper, Martin would later jump into action in the Netherlands during Operation Market Garden and the Battle of the Bulge. He certainly made a name for himself during the war.
His name was clearly not forgotten. While crowds gathered below, Members of the WWII Airborne Demonstration Team recently took to the skies in vintage aircraft for a WW2 reenactment in honor of Martin’s 100th birthday. The demonstration featured paratroopers recreating the jumps as they were carried out during the war, and the even was even nicknamed “Pee Wee’s Jump Fest” in Martin’s honor. Read more and see photos from the event here.
Americans like Jim “Pee Wee” Martin are why they are called the greatest generation. While so many were safe in their beds, these heroes were landing behind enemy lines. We believe in giving back to the generation that gave the most. That is why we urge Congress to pass a bill we call The Greatest Generation Benefits Act. This legislation would help so many Older Americans. Learn more and sign our petition here.
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