World War II Veteran Honored With Bronze Star Decades After He Earned It
Army Private First Class Robert Shields fought in The Battle of The Bulge. He was a hero who never hesitated to stand up for what was right. Decades later, he still speaks of his eagerness to get to Germany to fight against Nazi forces because he knew they needed to be stopped. His dedication and bravery earned him the Bronze Star.
Unfortunately, he was not awarded this honor at the time. As one of the few living Americans who fought in the Battle of the Bulge, he earned recognition far beyond what he received. However, a very humble man, Robert didn’t think much of it and did not expect to ever see his medals. His niece, on the other hand, would not let the issue go so easily.
A military veteran herself, she cut through the government red tape to make sure her uncle’s service was recognized. Finally, Robert received his Bronze Star in a special ceremony along with a surprise visit from his niece who flew across the country to be a part of his big day. Check out the touching story in the video below.
It’s great to see this American hero finally get the recognition he deserves. This also serves as a reminder of the importance of remembering those who fought and sacrificed. We believe that passing The Greatest Generation Benefits Act is the best way to give back to those who lived through World War II and Korea. Learn more here and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest updates.