Social Security Changes Need to Happen Soon

Social Security changes are necessary for American seniors struggling against rising costs. The Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) has been pitiful for the last several years. The 2021 COLA was only 1.3 percent. This amounts to pocket change, while costs of medication, food, gas, and utilities continue to climb. A change needs to happen soon because the current system is not sustainable
Bennefits are Too Low for Seniors
Social Security Benefits are crucially important for many Americans. In fact, these benefits are the only thing putting food on the table for some people. Unfortunately, what many recipients receive is not enough. Retirees spend their adult lives working and believe that Social Security will provide for them, only to find that benefits do not cover their basic needs. Those who rely on Social Security and don’t have a secondary retirement plan may find themselves living in poverty. This is not the way our country should work. Americans who spent their lives working and sacrificing should get everything they’ve earned and not a penny less.
What Social Security Changes Could Affect Seniors?
There always seem to be discussions about social security reform. It seems like many ideas have floated around, but no real change has taken place. The only real way to make an impactful change is to increase benefits enough to keep up with inflation. Any change would also have to be more than a one-time boost. The needed reform would have to be able to grow with inflation and the needs of seniors – especially older retirees. This is why we think The Greatest Generation Benefits Act is the best solution. To begin with, this legislation would increase benefits for Americans over age 82 by $85 per month. This is significantly more than the 2021 COLA. Furthermore, benefits for these Americans would increase by 4 percent every year after, finally providing an actual cost of living increase for members of the greatest generation.
How to Get Involved
To help make this change a reality, we need more voices to let Congress know that this is an issue that must be addressed. Two of the best things you can do to help are to sign our petition and to share with your friends on social media. Please remember to like and follow us on Facebook and Twitter. You can also send us a message!