Seniors Can’t Live on Inadequate Social Security Benefits. Congress Must Act!

Retirement should be a time to be enjoyed. We often view this stage of life as a point of freedom when we no longer have to spend the majority of our time working. This freedom, however, is not complete when retirees must spend so much time worrying about bills and money. Concerns regarding the adequacy of Social Security benefits are certainly nothing new. Social Security has been too low for decades and fails to provide a sustainable income that keeps up with the rate of inflation.
Social Security Benefits Can’t Keep Up with Inflation
Even with the implementation of Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA), it is clear that the system continues to fail Americans. With widespread inflation, COLA adjustments do not go far enough to meet the needs of seniors in their retirement years. Those who spent a lifetime working should not be struggling to pay bills and afford healthcare. Older Americans need change and they need it now.
Congress Must Act
Recognizing this vital issue, we are calling on Congress to take action and provide better support for retirees. The proposed legislation, known as The Greatest Generation Benefits Act, aims to address this disparity and ensure that seniors receive improved benefits during their retirement.
The bill seeks to enhance Social Security benefits by providing a substantial increase in Social Security benefits that will continue to grow with economic changes. Advocating for comprehensive reforms, The Greatest Generation Benefits Act would give seniors over the age of 82 an additional $85 per month plus a four percent increase every year after.
With this change in place, seniors would get everything they earned in retirement and would not have to struggle to meet basic needs. This is the change many older Americans need. Learn more about this legislation here, and get the latest updates by following us on Facebook and Twitter.