How You Can Help Give Back to Those Who Sacrificed During World War II and Korea

World War II and the Korean War were extremely significant moments in history. These events had a huge impact on American society and changed the world. At the core of these important historical moments were the men and women who worked, fought, and sacrificed. While brave service members manned the front lines of the war, other citizens came together back home to keep the country running. It is the work of a truly united America that earned those who lived through these times the title of “the greatest generation.” Unfortunately, many of these Americans seem to be forgotten about today.
Why do Those Who Lived Through World War II and Korea Need Help?
The sad fact is that even though these Americans gave so much for their country, many struggle to survive in retirement. We have people who gave everything they had to bring this country through times of war who now fall below the poverty line. We have Americans who spent their lives paying into Social Security who do not receive what they earned in retirement. This is unacceptable.
Why are Benefits So Low?
Social Security benefits are not enough to live on. The biggest part of the problem is that these benefits do not keep up with inflation. The annual Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) is intended to address this issue but fails every year. COLA increases are far too low to match actual costs. This is especially true for older Americans strugling to keep up with rising healthcare costs.
How You Can Give Back
We believe that the best way to help our most vulnerable older Americans is by passing legislation we call The Greatest Generation Benefits Act. This, however, requires help from people like you. This bill would increase benefits for seniors over age 82 by $85 per month and 4 percent annually. While this seems like a clear solution, the bill is still waiting for Congressional approval. Your voice is important. Please sign our petition telling Congress to give back to the greatest generation.
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