3 Ways to Protect Your Retirement in a Recession

The economy has been a topic of discussion for the last few years as the United States recovers from the pandemic and subsequent political and social unrest. While much has improved, inflation is still an issue, and we face an uncertain economic future.
When facing this type of uncertainty, it is a good idea to have a solid plan in place in case of a recession. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to be more prepared. Bankingrates.com put together a quick guide to the ways to protect your retirement from a recession.
Three ways to recession-proof your retirement:
- Invest in Real Estate while navigating around high mortgage rates with crowdfunding.
- protect your portfolio from a potential market crash with precious metals.
- Consult a financial advisor and take advantage of their expert knowledge.
Banking Rates, of course, goes into much more detail and provides some pretty useful information. Check out the full article here.
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