Ready to Make the Ultimate Sacrifice, This WW2 Veteran Served With Honor. Here’s What he Has to Say Today

This WW2 veteran has seen things that most of us could not imagine. From the horrors of war to the injustice of racial prejudice, Eddie Garrett has experienced a lot in his 96 years on this earth. What is even more impressive than his past is the man we see today as he looks back on his service during the war. For the majority of Americans, World War 2 is something we know about from second-hand accounts. For men like Garrett, it is a reality that they lived through and a memory that will never fade.
Drafted in 1943, Eddie was assigned to the Navy and sent to the Pacific, where he served from 1943 to 1945. Serving in the war was by no means easy. To add to the challenge, Garrett was an African-American serving in a segregated war. In his interview with WYFF News, he acknowledged that things were a lot different then and that he faced many challenges. What’s remarkable, is his passion and dedication for doing what’s right. Looking back, this WW2 veteran and great American told the news outlet that he was prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice and has “no regrets.” See what he had to say and read the Full story here.
We Wholeheartedly appreciate and honor veterans like Eddie Garret and all those who served in World War 2 and Korea – as well as those who held down the home front. That is why we support a bill we call The Greatest Generation Benefits Act. We strongly encourage Congress to pass this important legislation. Learn more about our efforts here, and please take a moment to sign our petition. For the latest updates, follow us on Twitter and Facebook.