Congress Needs to Pass The Greatest Generation Benefits Act

Congress must pass The Greatest Generation Benefits Act. This vital legislation would positively impact the older Americans who gave so much for this country. American seniors can not wait much longer. It’s time!
Older Americans are Struggling
Many in this country have been struggling since the Covid-19 Pandemic turned our world upside down. In the last few years, inflation impacted us all, but members of The Greatest Generation often suffer the worst. With the high costs of healthcare, rising prescription prices, and Medicare premiums for seniors, this group has been hit especially hard.
The Greatest Generation Benefits Act Would Stimulate Change
There is proposed legislation that could help turn things around for American seniors. A bill we call The Greatest Generation Benefits Act would change the way Social Security benefits impact the lives of seniors. This legislation would provide an immediate boost to benefits to Americans over the age of 85. Furthermore, it would guarantee a significant increase every year after. Learn more about our efforts to pass this bill into law here.
Will Congress Do the Right Thing?
As clear as it may seem that America’s seniors need this legislation, Congress has failed up to this point to take the needed steps. While they may feel like there are more important things to focus on, the fact is that Americans are suffering and need help. Will the new 118th Congress step up and do what’s right?
How You Can Help
To do right by older Americans, Congress needs to see that the people support The Greatest Generation Benefits Act. The majority of people understand this needs to happen. We even shared the results of our nationwide survey with Congress to prove it. However, we still need help showing that Social Security reform is a priority. You can help by signing our petition. Tell Congress it’s time!
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