About The Greatest Generation

The Greatest Generation, a program of The Citizen’s Assembly, is dedicated to protecting and helping members of America’s greatest generation, seniors age 82 years and older.
We support the passage of the bill we call “The Greatest Generation Benefits Act” which will increase the monthly Social Security benefits of these retirees by $85 a month and automatically increase benefits by 4 percent each year moving forward.
Here at TheGreatestGen.org, we will share updates about “The Greatest Generation Benefits Act,” our legislative initiatives, display the results of our national surveys, and news concerning the generation that fought both the Second World War and Korean War.
Please join us – and our Executive Director, John Mucci – on this most important of missions. They did so much for us and for America – now it’s time we do something for them.
For updates, follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, and subscribe to us on YouTube. And visit our blog, Remember The Greatest Generation, as we look back on this special era. TheGreatestGen.org