
Older Americans Need a Benefits Boost

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Image via Pixabay

Americans age 82 and older are faced with rising costs of medical care. Benefits just haven’t kept up. Cost-of-living adjustments fail to keep up with inflation. Older Americans need a Social Security benefits boost.

The Greatest Generation Benefits Act is the best piece of legislation to improve the lives of the members of the greatest generation. These Americans deserve top notch benefits. They fought in World War II and the Korean War. Right now, they aren’t receiving what they were promised – they’re not receiving what they earned.

Our Legislation

The legislation, we support, The Greatest Generation Benefits Act, guarantees:

Retirees age 82 and older will receive a benefits boost of $85 a month, legally mandated by Congress. Just imagine how $85 more a month will help seniors pay for their medicine. It would be life-changing.

A 4 percent annual benefits increase – Every year, older Americans will continue to receive a benefits bump. A guaranteed yearly boost is the only way to ensure retirees can keep up with the rising cost of necessities like medicine.

The Greatest Generation Benefits Act is the best way to take care of the seniors who sacrificed so much for America.

The members of the greatest generation faced down the toughest economic times our country has ever experienced. The Great Depression formed and shaped them. Now, in retirement, after all they’ve been through, they deserve financial security.

It’s wrong to leave our cherished seniors with cost-of-living adjustments that don’t come close to keeping up with inflation and rising costs. We need change. Older Americans need a benefits boost. It’s time to pass The Greatest Generation Benefits Act.

Take Action

If you’d like to support the passage of this crucial legislation, please sign our petition to Congress.

Once you have signed our petition, please share it with all your friends and family on Twitter and Facebook. It’s imperative we reach as many people as possible. We need all the help we can get to pressure Congress to pass The Greatest Generation Benefits Act.